Teachers play a huge part in the development of a child. With the right teachers, a child can conquer the whole world without much difficulty. Being Chennai’s top school, at The Shri Ram Universal School Chennai, we continuously work towards giving the right kind of education to the child.
Creates a sense of order
Without a sense of order, it is hard for a child to understand the structure of the flow of work. Being Chennai’s top school, our teachers take up the responsibility of providing every child with clear behavioral and academic expectations. The teachers in our school do it right from the beginning. Thus, we make students aware of what is being expected from them all the time. Just give them a step-by-step procedure to make them understand order.
Gets to know students
One of the first or most important tasks of a teacher is to understand each student they teach. Without knowing the child, education is incomplete. Teachers of The Shri Ram Universal Chennai, as the top school in Chennai studies about a student’s culture, interests, extraocular activities, personalities, learning styles, goals, and mindset. We believe that the better we know them better we can teach them. We get to know the children by talking to them, asking them about their cultures, etc.
Avoids judging
Without getting to know anyone, we should never conclude that person has a definite character. In the case of a child, if we judge them, they will start to distrust us and will never trust us again. It’s easy to call a student lazy when they show up with incomplete homework. At TSUS, teachers don’t label students by stating we can’t do anything. We take many measures to find the root cause and solve the problem.
Do make the classroom a fun place.
Who doesn’t want to come to a class that has fun activities and an easy learning experience?
As one of the top schools in Chennai, TSUS makes sure that children don’t see their classroom as a burden. And we don’t want them to see it as a place they come to because of compulsion. The easiest way to engage a child is by introducing non-competitive games for them. You will be able to help children in opening up to the whole class. We can make them confident, make learning fascinating, and then they will have a sense of belonging.
At The Shri Ram Universal School Chennai, we firmly believe that every child has a right to learn in a pressure-free, safe, comfortable environment. As the top school in Chennai, it’s a big responsibility to set an example for giving the best education and fulfilling a child’s academic, life, and social skills.